Terms & Conditions:

Once you make a booking in the calendar through Get started and you are acquainted with the How it works , the terms & conditions are like following:


The program will lead you automatically through the “check-out” and payment procedure. In case of cancellation up to 5 days prior to the start of the online coaching, you will be charged 70% of the fee. Later cancellation shall be forfeited in entirety.



Please have in mind that the fee for a live group coaching has to be paid no later than 7 days prior to the coaching. This is also the deadline for the entire fee reimbursement. In case of cancellation up to 5 days and later prior to the start, the conditions are the same as for the online coaching.


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Pogoji uporabe:

Ko izvedete rezervacijo v koledarju in ste seznanjeni s podpoglavjem »Kako deluje«, so pogoji v primeru odpovedi naslednji:


Program vas bo samodejno vodil skozi “check-out” in postopek plačila. V primeru odpovedi do 5 dni pred začetkom spletnega coachinga, vam bomo zaračunali 70% pristojbine. Še kasnejša odpoved pa v celoti zapade.

Prosimo, da poravnate pristojbino za skupinski coaching v živo najkasneje 7 dni pred začetkom termina. To je tudi skrajni rok za povračilo pristojbine v primeru odpovedi. Če odpoveste le 5 dni ali še kasneje pred pričetkom, so pogoji enaki kot za online coaching.