‘Long on Health. Short on Problems.’
Discover about natural solutions for your hormonal imbalance and be healthier again. And through this even help to the dolphins. Totally unique!

By joining HEALTHIA® by Darja Ribarič you are part of a totally unique coaching in the world!

Several tens of clients are amazed by the idea, in making two good things at the same time. Primarily helping themselves towards their healthier lifestyle and along even helping to the threatened dolphins! Amazing! Changing towards more sustainability for yourself and the planet.

Based on understanding the problem

Our programme is based on understanding your body and health changes due to the hormonal imbalance. Only this way you can act properly.

Results that hold on long term

Now knowing the cutting edge of popular physiology, even, how hormones influence our minds, you will be able to directly deal with the problem. The successful result is inevitable.

Help yourself to help dolphins

What a unique way to get you excited about your health while caring about dolphins at the same time. Life changing long term results for you and helping to survival of the dolphins in parallel.

In only 2 MONTHS TO THE SOLUTION. You will have the understanding of what’s happening in your body and how to manage the health changes in a natural way. Long term solution to a happier and healthier life.

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The main idea

HEALTHIA® by Darja Ribarič has the following aim: to understand the health changes through a popular physiology explanation and how to deal with such changes in a natural way.

The main goal is to help you out due to a hormonal imbalance.

Do you notice that maybe your health isn’t anymore what it used to be? And you notice this, especially because you feel you are with low energy, burned out, stressed (who isn’t nowadays?), you gain weight with no significant change in your lifelong diet, you feel depressed, have insomnia or you might think of your thyroid gland not working well, or if you are in perimenopause or andropause. Due to the overburdened everyday you even start asking yourself where the path you are on is right now leading you?

The idea about HEALTHIA® came out of the personal experience, of course. Therefore it is firsthand and achievable help with no theory but realistic facts, based on the professional healthcare guidelines. It was based on a wish to transfer all the obtained knowledge during the professional career of the founder Darja Ribarič into helping other people.

HEALTHIA® by Darja Ribarič is for you when you want to solve the problem in a natural way and come ‘back on track’. You notice that you health is not anymore in the same condition as it was just a short time ago? You are not having significant symptoms that you would need to visit your doctor – yet you are not in the shape as you used to be.

Be healthier and happier again and we can help you with the highest possible quality in coaching and follow up.



Get the advantage of being anywhere in the world and schedule your own timeline for live coaching with ONLINE interactive coaching design directly by a professional!

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In order to take part in coaching by someone you don’t know, especially, if it relates to your health, you first have to trust this person. The coach needs to deserve your respect, feel and see your professional approach and be aware of the real problem you have.  

HEALTHIA® Coaching seminars are INNOVATIVE, based on a NEW HOLISTIC APPROACH and having even a charitable note. HEALTHIA® was invented and is led by Darja Ribarič, Master of Philosophy  in Biology, specialized in physiology. Darja has 15 years of professional experience working with the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, like Hoffmann La Roche, Menarini Diagnostics, Pliva Ltd., Richter Gedeon  Ltd., Teva Pharmaceuticals etc. During this time she was in constant collaboration with MD key opinion leaders: gynecologists, GPs, urologists, endocrinologists, dermatologists, infectologists, oncologists, neurologists and others professionals. Therefore she is updated with the latest health guidelines. Health claims in HEALTHIA® coaching seminars are adjusted to a popular level for a better comprehension of participants and are based upon different medical studies, facts from the evidence-based medicine and derived from the results published in the most renown international professional healthcare journals.

In order to understand how to deal with the possible health problem in your body, you must first understand it. You should understand how your body functions and what it needs for its smooth and continuous processes. Further to that learn what happens when, being in the middle age, you suddenly experience spontaneous changes in the body without even alternating something in your lifestyle. 

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Coaching seminar HEALTHIA® by Darja Ribarič guides you through the popular facts and explanations from the physiology towards the answers how to detect such changes and how to react as soon as we observe them, whether it is food, ecology of the personal environment (ECO PE), gym, relationships or  stressors which accumulate in our bodies. Perhaps, at a certain moment there is simply too much burden accumulated upon us and the body starts to complain and cannot deal itself without our dedicated help and be it on a most natural way. Most of us don’t change drastically in our manners towards dealing and understanding life and also not towards our bodies, even if we constantly promise ourselves that tomorrow we really start executing the vows to become better in health and quit our bad habits. It is amazing and very encouraging how much we can do just already with small but very relevant adjustments.  HEALTHIA® by Darja Ribarič will coach how to relate to your body and tempt you to identify those little signs that the body gives you and are usually overlooked. React in time and correctly with no strict practices on a long term, that at so many times don’t prove to work at all.

Darja Ribarič understands life in a natural way, as a biologist. She also has the experience in researching and protecting the bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Slovenia and Croatia (Istria) since 2001. With the disclosure of an astounding parallel in the lives of humans and dolphins she recognized the need to establish a useful coaching seminar HEALTHIA®. It tries to increase awareness about the functioning of our most precious gifts that we ever have possessed – our bodies, and how to react when we observe the health changes, especially in the middle age.

Hence, for serving to the well being of people and the dolphins: HEALTHIA® as a “Health & Dolphin Ambassador” simultaneously performs two things at the same time: helps resolving your problem and since you take part, it directly helps to preserve dolphins, these intelligent and inspirational marine mammals, which have surprisingly similar problems to ours, in all perspectives of life.

Welcome and see you soon!

Yours faithfully,

Darja Ribarič MPhil.

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A full logotype name of HEALTHIA®  is “Health & Dolphin Ambassador“.

The income of HEALTHIA® is dedicated to the Conservation and Research of the last resident and threatened Bottlenose Dolphins in the North East Adriatic, in Slovenia and off West coast of Istria, Croatia.

Humans know already from the ancient times that we are connected to dolphins in a specific way. We share quite incredible similarity with these intelligent animals when comparing the situations we both live in. The main difference is only that they are perfectly adapted to the marine environment, being marine mammals. But in their world they face stunningly similar problems as we, humans, do. By participating in HEALTHIA® »HEALTH & DOLPHIN AMBASSADOR” you directly contribute for their conservation. You indeed help directly to these vulnerable dolphin population.

You come to HEALTHIA® to help yourself and at the same time you are helping the dolphins. Very noble!

Among other similarities, female dolphins have menopause too. Indeed! So they might have alike physiological changes in ‘middle age’ as we have. So there was a comparison made by Darja Ribarič and exciting parallels found between the dolphin society and human society.

Let’s say you are in the middle of a crazy day at work (Actually not so hard to imagine, right?). Your desk telephone is constantly ringing, you need to submit a comprehensive report till afternoon, you have a bunch of e-mails in your inbox that require some action, you have a meeting shortly with the general manager and of course you run out of the time! What else happens as having an elevated level of adrenalin? You are definitely stressed. You have the feeling it would be best for you to just to give up and take some relaxing holidays just to heal all up with an extremely needed break. However, you just cannot do it. You feel too responsible, you have family at home, to whom you need to provide a decent life and you need to lead it as much as possible normally in this increasingly ‘complex’ world.

Have you ever thought that at least some animal species might have the same pressures in their own societies and the environment they live in? Sounds strange, right? Only for them it is not directly that they have to report to the boss. Nevertheless for those that have hierarchy it is exactly clear who is the leader of the group is, i.e. who the boss is. They don’t have to go to the job but they need to be active enough to find the food to bring up their offspring.
They are mostly exposed to stress that we, humans, are posing onto them.

Be noble – help yourself in the first place and help dolphins at the same time! Join Healthia®. Now.

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Many people are saying YES to their new path towards a healthier life. And not all succeed to go down the ‘big shift’ road.
They have to understand what they need to do and have realistic goals. HEALTHIA® takes care that you get equipped with both and achieve it on a long-term basis.

HEALTHIA® Long on health. Short on problems.

HEALTHIA® by Darja Ribarič coaching seminars are carefully chosen in different locations,  especially to care for your wellbeing and a relaxed atmosphere. Below are few examples where Healthia® is already executing coaching seminars.

HEALTHIA® ONLINE one to one coaching is possible upon the request.

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HEALTHIA® INDIVIDUAis an individual coaching based on previous arrangement.


You are invited to have a look on the Facebook page “HEALTHIA by Darja R” in order to get the latest group coaching date.

Different locations in London, Brussels, Munich, Ljubljana and through ONLINE coaching.

There is HEALTHIA® interactive group coaching with the 1 ½ hour HEALTHIA® overview interactive coaching workshop.
The programme: this will be a synopsis  of all of the HEALTHIA® modules, comprising:

  • hormones & physiology (also, if being in menopause)
  • natural management of hormonal imbalance,
  • food, what fuel do we need for our body,
  • detox and gym.

You will get the taste of what HEALTHIA® offers as a solution to your health problems and how you will be able yourself to manage the problems. A great overture and a starting point to go deeper into each of the HEALTHIA® chapters.


  1. Check the date, place and price clicking to ‘GET STARTED’ at the top right corner at the entrance page.
  2. Fill in your booking through the software application form.
    In case of technical problems please send your application to the email: info@healthiacoach.com.
    State your name, surname, address, age and gender as well as e-mail or telephone contact.

You will be led through the program about the availability.  Then you will receive the confirmation along with the request for quotation (RFQ).  The fee stated has to be paid no later than 7 days prior to the start of the coaching seminar to secure your placement.

Refer to the note below in case of your cancellation and money-back policy.

The price for HEALTHIA® overview workshop is 19,5 EUR + VAT.

The coaching fee should be paid to the:

Registered in Slovenia, EU;
VAT: SI 20901917
IBAN SI56 2900 0005 0533 947



You will receive the invoice personally, directly at the coaching seminar.

Please have in mind that the fee has to be paid no later than 7 days prior to the training. This is also the deadline for any cancellation and a possible reimbursement. If you cancel 5 days before the start of the seminar, you will be charged for administrative costs in the amount of 70% of the fee. Later cancellation in attending shall be forfeited in entirety.

WELCOME to a healthier and happier new YOU!

Master of Philosophy in Biology, Specialised in Physiology: Summa Cum LaudeUniversity of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Working experiences:

  • working as a professional Nutritionist
  • Teva Pharmaceuticals Ltd., marketing and portfolio (10 years), project manager for oncological drugs, immunosupresive drugs, originator drug for treatment of multiple sclerosis, business develpoment and countr portfolio manager,
  • Ratiopharm, Business Development, Ulm, Germany (4 years), portfolio manager
  • Pliva Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. (4 years), product manager for Antiinfectives,
  • Richter Gedeon, product manager: Oral contraceptives and Hormonal Replacement Therapy
  •  Menarini Diagnostics, Business Unit Manager
  • Hoffman La Roche, Medical Represenatative
  • University of Kentucky, USA,
  • Slovenian Museum of Natural History,
  • National Institute of Biology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,
  • University of Bologna, Italy,
  • University of Pavia, Italy;

Certificates and experiences:

  • CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST, accredited by the European Health and Fitness Association through the Association of Fitness Professionals (AFP)
  • iPEC – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (one of the largest ICF-accredited coach training schools): Life & Leadership Potentials
  • presentations to medical doctors and key opinion leaders medical doctors from different therapeutical groups
  • presentations about medical treatments and popular talks to other healthcare employees
  • member of the editorial board of the educative Health magazine “Sreda” for professionals and broader public, issued by Pliva Pharmaceuticals
  • Lion Clubs and Rotary Clubs,group presentations and talks
  • GEOSS in coop. with the Ministry of Public Administration and the Europ. Union: “Rhetoric and public speaking”
  • IATA: “Customer Service”
  • IMS Health.: “IMS Segmentation and Targeting”
  • Mercuri International (Top 20 training company): “Professional Sales” part I. and II.
  • Hoffmann-La Roche: “Basic Med. Prescription Course”, Cyprus
  • Menarini: ‘From glycaemic monitoring to the therapeutical use’ training
  • Richter Gedeon: comprehensive gynaecological portfolio – basic training
  • Barr Pharmaceuticals: steroid hormones portfolio – training and assessment for the market potential
  • IMS Intelligence. Applied:” Marketing Program”
  • Certificate – International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Kuala Lumpur
  • Certificate from Investigators’ Meeting: “Safety Reporting Training; GCP Training”
  • Pliva Farmaceutika d.d.: “Sales forecasting”
  • Adria Airways: FA 2, FA3 and FA4 together with the customer service etc.


AFP Nutritionist Darja Ribaric EN

teva rph  ims   AFP logo   EFHArg barr  pliva  menariniroche ipec-logo  mercuri       intern-infect-diseases iata

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Succesfull collaboration is going on also in:

  • coaching groups or
  • in bigger companies where a preventive health care educaton is at the top priorities in care for the employees.

HEALTHIA® has helped with our coaching already in the following renowned companies:

  • Zavarovalnica Triglav
  • Helios
  • Središče VITALIS

Be it on the web site or printed, media are important references.

See the latest interview in the UK Holistic Therapist Magazine with HEALTHIA® & Darja Ribarič. This is the first UK publication that offers a balance of business and industry features. The interview is about our unique and awesome offer in coaching with the dolphin in the nature:

Healthia® Perimenopause & Dolphin retreat.