Natural management of hormonal imbalance.

In this 2 hour chapter you will get to know how to deal with hormonal imbalance in a natural way with personal focus on hormones that cause you a problem. It is personally oriented.


With obtained understanding from the HEALTHIA® Hormones chapter you get to know why do you observe health changes and have concerns.

You will collaborate directly with the professional coach Darja Ribarič who will personally:

  • focus on your hormonal imbalance. You will get to know about the symptoms that occur in HI and how to deal with them in a natural way.
  • give you the natural solutions on any of the hormonal disbalance considered in the first chapter, be it stress, weight problems, insomnia How to break your everlasting wish and cravings after food? Why is your brain hungry and you might be overweight? What imbalance in hormones causes this vicious circle? Please have a look here >>
  • especially focus on estrogen and progesterone disbalance for women that might bring you the unsatisfied level of how you feel in perimenopause. And in men, similarly with testosterone drop in the andropause.


  • make sure you understand how to manage and implement simple and achievable habitual changes.
  • provide you with the plan and make timetable for your implementation of the solutions. You will be supported in order to balance those hormones that cause you health concerns.